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Attimi di Vita ... nella pienezza dell'Amore

Questo reportage va vissuto con rispetto, aprendo il proprio cuore.

Quando si sceglie di accogliere un figlio destinato al Cielo, i rari attimi di vita sono come i diamanti più preziosi.

Immortalare questi momenti rappresenta per la mia professione, l'espressione più pura e sublime dell'amore infinito che scorre tra un neonato ed i suoi genitori. Sapere che la tua sensibilità li racchiuderà  in un frame per sempre, non ha prezzo.

Carlo Paluzzi

Artist Statement


The modern world we live in often does not acknowledge the concept of human dignity. Through this documentary I hope to make viewers reflect on the protection of human dignity and fundamental rights, compassion, love and bioethics by acknowledging “terminal fetuses” as unique and unrepeatable human beings from their very beginning inside the mother’s womb. These children haven’t even been born yet but they are already affected by terminal illnesses which will cause their death shortly after birth.
Getting “inside” those moments of life is like living and sharing them with these babies’ parents, aware that the choice they made – to accompany their children until the natural outcome of their illness – will turn their children into drops of eternity.
This is why it is crucial for viewers to approach this documentary with respect and an open heart.
When we decide to embrace a child that is meant for heaven, their rare moments of life are like the most precious diamonds. My job is to capture these moments, the highest expression of the infinite love between a newborn and his parents. Knowing that you can enshrine these moments in a single frame is a priceless feeling, like recognizing the eternity of their fleeting passage


Carlo Paluzzi

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